10/15/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年九月十三 星期二)
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Call for 2024 Bite L&I participants


今年的 Bite L&I 活動定於10月15日中午在 L&I 一樓大廳舉辦,距離現在僅剩3個多星期。我們誠摯號召社區朋友們積極參與,展現你的廚藝,為宣傳中華美食文化貢獻一份力量。


簡單介紹一下:Bite L&I 是我們州勞動與工業廳(L&I)每年10月主辦的美食義賣活動,這是一個展現各國美食與文化的重要平台。在過去的幾年裡(2018、2019、2022、2023),在協會的組織下,我們華人社區一直是活動的踴躍參與者,每年也為華人協會籌集到了一筆可觀的善款。希望今年能有更多的朋友加入我們!感謝大家的支持!                                          

Dear friends,

This year’s Bite L&I event is scheduled for October 15th at noon in the L&I first-floor hall, just over three weeks away. We sincerely encourage community members to actively participate, showcase your culinary skills, and contribute to promoting Chinese food culture.

If you wish to participate, please reply to vpadmin@olympiachinese.org by October 12th, indicating the food items and quantities you would like to donate.

A brief introduction: Bite L&I is a food charity event hosted by our state’s Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) every October. It serves as an important platform to showcase cuisine and culture from various countries. In recent years (2018, 2019, 2022, 2023), our Chinese community has been an enthusiastic participant in this event, raising a substantial amount of funds for the Chinese Association each year.

We hope more friends will join us this year! Thank you all for your support!

Olympia Area Chinese Association (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) Copyright © 1980 - 2024