10/22/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年九月二十 星期二)
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OACA's participation in 2024 Bite L&I Event

On October 15, OACA and the Chinese community we represent participated once again in 2024 Bite of L&I, a very sought-after Combined Fund Drive (CFD) event organized by State Department of Labor & Industries. Led by Ivy Jen and Alex Yuanlong Ge, 20 Chinese individuals and families contributed to this year’s event. They selflessly donated a large variety of delicious home-made food and many of them also spent time serving food at the event. They helped us raise more than $1,800, the most of any participating groups this year, and the largest amount we have ever raised in the history of this event.

As a popular annual event, the goal of Bite of L & I is to celebrate the diversity of our state by highlighting food from different cultures and ethnicities, and help those in need. Therefore, the participation of our Chinese community in such event not only gave us a good opportunity to proudly display our cultural traditions and heritage, but also enhanced our public image as a giving and caring community.

We sincerely thank everyone who contributed to this event: Bradley Farrar, Fan Zhang, Bing Xu, Yan Dai, Bella Xie, Muyan Lei, Yan Men, Jun Wang, Haisheng Mou, Yiqun Xue, Zeping, Hanxue Qiu, Yaqin Xiong, Ma Zuo, Wendy Seid, Kiki Ye, Nancy Qiongfen Wu, Fengling Wang, Wenjuan Zhao, and Wendy Chen. Thank you all for making this event so meaningful and successful and let’s do it again next year!

2024年10月15日,OACA及我们代表的华人社区再次参与了由华盛顿州劳工和工业部主办的年度慈善盛事——《Bite of L&I》。在Ivy Jen和Alex Yuanlong Ge的组织下,20位来自华人社区的个人和家庭积极投入,他们不仅无私奉献自己的大量时间在家中精心制作美味的中餐,还有许多人到活动现场担任志愿者,帮助我们成功筹集超过1,800美元,成为今年所有参赛团队中筹款最多的一组,并创下了我们团队在活动历史上的最高筹款纪录。

作为一项广受欢迎的年度活动,《Bite of L&I》的目标是通过展示来自不同文化和族裔的美食,庆祝我们州的多样性,并帮助有需要的人群。我们的华人社区参与此类活动,不仅为我们提供了向公众展示文化传统和遗产的宝贵机会,也提升了我们作为一个关爱与奉献的社区形象。

衷心感谢所有此次活动的参与者:Bradley Farrar,Fan Zhang, Bing Xu, Yan Dai, Bella Xie, Muyan Lei, Yan Men, Jun Wang, Haisheng Mou, Yiqun Xue, Zeping, Hanxue Qiu, Yaqin Xiong,  Wenjuan Zhao, Ma Zuo, Wendy Seid, Kiki Ye, Nancy Qiongfen Wu, Fengling Wang, Wendy Chen, 和 Wenjuan Zhao,感谢你们让这次活动如此成功,明年再来

10 月 15 日,OACA 和我們代表的華人社區再次參加了 2024 年 Bite of L&I,這是由勞工和工業部組織的一項非常受歡迎的聯合慈善 (CFD) 活動。在 Ivy Jen 和 Alex Yuanlong Ge 的组织下,20 位個人和家庭為今年的活動做出了貢獻。他們無私地捐贈並提供了種類繁多的正宗中餐,籌集了超過 1,800 美元,是今年所有參賽團體中籌款最多的,也是我們本次活動歷史上籌得的金額最多的一次。

 作為一項受歡迎的年度活動,Bite of L & I 的目標是透過突出來自不同文化和種族的食物來慶祝我們州的多樣性,並幫助有需要的人。因此,我們華人社區參與這樣的活動,不僅為我們提供了一個很好的機會來自豪地展示我們的文化傳統和遺產,而且還提升了我們作為一個奉獻和關懷社區的公眾形象。

我們衷心感謝所有為本次活動做出貢獻的朋友:Bradley Farrar,Fan Zhang, Bing Xu, Yan Dai, Bella Xie, Muyan Lei, Yan Men, Jun Wang, Haisheng Mou, Yiqun Xue, Zeping, Hanxue Qiu, Yaqin Xiong, Ma Zuo, Wendy Seid, Kiki Ye, Nancy Qiongfen Wu, Fengling Wang, Wendy Chen, 和 Wenjuan Zhao,感謝你們讓這次活動如此有意義和成功,明年再来!





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