1/19/2025 (甲辰年[蛇] 农历二零二四年腊月二十 星期日)
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Reminder - 2023 Spring Festival Gala 2/28

Dear friends:

Tomorrow is the day!  All signs indicate that we will have a packed event.  In order to enjoy delicious food, fabulous performance, meet many friends, and return home healthy and safely, please note the followings:

1.  We will have local police onsite, however, OACA can not be responsible for the safety of every attendees.  Neither can we guarantee sanitation and health standards in a self-helping potluck.  Please observe all safety and health precautions and be aware of the risks of attending;
2.  Do not attend the event if you are sick with a cold or have not turned negative from a COVID infection;
3.  Wear masks at all times except when performing, eating, or drinking.  You must wear a mask when getting food;
4.  If you have not picked up your event ticket, bring a printed receipt to the door to speed up check in;
5.  Bring enough food at least for your own party;
6.  When it is your turn to get food, join your batch following the call of the host.  Do not jump in line, and be courteous to disabled, minors and seniors;
7.  Use public spoons and chop sticks to pick up foods;
8.  Take only what you need, do not waste; for each dish, take a small sample, leave some delicacies to others;
9.  Keep the tables and chairs clean, send waste to the trash can, and put empty plastic water bottles into black recycling bags.
10.  Observe etiquette of a crowded public gathering.  Lower your voice and maintain a quite hall during the performance; take care of the children and don't let them run around;
11.  After the event, help to clean up the venue, put tables and chairs away, and take home the leftover and your tableware.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and wish you all a happy, safe and unforgettable night!

Date:    Saturday, Jan 28

Place:   Capital High School

Time:   4:00 – Door open

           4:45 – 5:45 dinner in school common area

           5:45 – 9:30 culture performance in Performing Art Center    

                (Time has been adjusted)

Olympia is our home, together we grow!

公告: 2023春节晚会 提醒





1. 请有感冒生病的,最近得了冠状病毒还没转阴的朋友不要参加晚会;OACA不对任何与会人员的健康负责。
2. 请大家尽量全程戴口罩(表演吃饭除外)。特别是取饭菜的时候,一定要戴口罩;
3. 请带够足够的份量,使更多的人可以分享到您的美食;建议至少带够自家人员食用的食物份量,以便大家都有晚饭吃;
4. 取餐时排队等候,请按照主持人通知的顺序,不插队、不拥挤、不喧闹;请礼让老幼弱残和客人;
5. 取餐时请使用公勺、公筷取食物;
6. 请适量取餐,不浪费食物;每一种食物,取少量品尝即可,留下分享给更多的人;
7. 保持桌椅和场地卫生,废物送到垃圾桶,空塑料水瓶放进黑色回收袋。
8. 晚会期间,请谦让,不大声说话、表演时请尊重表演者保持安静;

9. 请大人看护好孩童,不要让他们在室内乱跑。
10. 春晚结束后请一起帮忙收拾,将桌椅归还储藏处,将自家剩下的饭菜、餐具带回家。




时间: 4:00 – 開門

         4:45 – 5:45 在学校公共区域用餐

         5:45 – 9:30 演艺中心文化表演



例 姓名  菜名  品类

1. 戴衍  大盘鸡  主菜

2. 牟海省  山东水煎包  主食

3. 刘国蓉  麻婆豆腐  主菜

4. kiki。  蒜蓉大虾。  菜

5. 林慧文Wendy Chen 甜品,花生椰丝糯米卷。

6. 凌娟  湖南香干回锅肉 主菜

7. 李红 辣子鸡 主菜

8. 李姚  孜然牛肉  主菜

9. 叶琪&Kiki 蒜蓉大虾

10. 玉志红 烤大虾

11. 刘奕君  主菜:秘制烤鸡腿  ,烤蛋糕

12. 冯瑞华  四川酥肉

13. 赵文娟 凉拌香辣猪耳

14. ANNING HU 甜品八宝饭

15. 邱汉学 红烧猪蹄

16. Wendy Seid 凉麵一盆.

17. Cindy 红豆西米露

18. 王俊  酒酿圆子 甜品

19. 燕子(雷慕燕) 八宝粥

20. 燕子(雷慕燕) 妈妈 白糖糕

21. Lu kaka 艾包[茶]果”芝麻花生”

22. Nancy  广东小吃炸角仔

23. Wendy Seid 凉麵一盆.

24. Huilin Wang 双喜甜米饭

25. June Wu 蛋炒面 照烧鸡腿 主食 主菜

26. Xu Zhu & Wei Gu 红烧肉烧土豆  蛋炒饭

27. 薛轶群 烤鸡翅

28. Xia Zhan  水果拼盘 甜点

29. 龚兵 家庭  葱花花卷20-30只  主食

Olympia Area Chinese Association,contact@olympiachinese.org
A non-profit 501(C)(3) organization

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Olympia Area Chinese Association (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) Copyright © 1980 - 2025