奥林匹亚中文学校2023年秋季报名工作已正式开始,报名截止时日期为2023年8月25日。有意报名者,请前往OACA 官网 (OlympiaChinese.org)下载报名表并完成注册程序。我们将以收到学费以及填报正确的报名表来确认注册完成。未满18周岁的学生,必须有家⻓签名。填写报名表以及支票时,务请字迹清楚,便于我们整理并核对信息。
今年将重新开设成人班,5人以上开班,有兴趣的学员请与我们联系。所有与报名以及入学的相关问题,可发邮件到principal@olympiachinese.org 咨询。
2023年8月15 日
Olympia Area Chinese School
Fall 2023-2024 Enrollment Notice
The enrollment for the fall 2023 Chinese School of Olympia has started, and the registration deadline is August 25, 2023. If you are interested in registering, please go to the OACA website (OlympiaChinese.org) to download the registration form to complete the process. Registration/enrollment is completed when the tuition fee is paid and received by the school (see ‘Student Registration Form’). Students under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian's signature. When filling out the registration form and/or writing a check, please write clearly so that we can get the accurate information.
This year, we would like to reopen our adult classes, however, a minimum of 5 students need to be enrolled. So please contact us if you are interested. Any questions related to registration and admission can be sent to
principal@ olympiachinese.org.
Thank you.
Olympia Chinese School
August 15, 2023