10/22/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年九月二十 星期二)
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Please register for International Purple Comet Math Contest

Dear OACA members and Friends,


The International Purple Comet Math Contest will run April 18 – 27, 2023 at the website https://purplecomet.org. You can find the old contest problems, read contest rules and instructions. This is a group match. Each team can have one or up to six participants. They works together and submit one answer sheet.


OACA has registered High School and Middle School Teams since 2021. In 2022, there were nearly 4000 registered teams from 62 countries and our OHS Golden Start team won the third place in WA State! Top 25% of all the teams of high school!


If you are interested, please reply Contact@OlympiaChinese.Org with information of full name, school, and grade to sign up for your children and their friends before 6:00PM of April 17th. We hope you enjoy the 2023 Purple Comet! Math Meet!


亲爱的OACA 会员及朋友们,

国际紫色彗星数学竞赛将于2023 4 18 日至27 日在网站https://purplecomet.org 举行,上面可以查阅到以往二十多年的比赛问题,比赛规则和说明等。 这是团体比赛, 每个团队可以有一名或最多六名参与者。 他们一起解题,提交一份答卷。


OACA 2021 年开始,注册了高中和初中团队参赛。2022年有来自62 个国家的近4000 支队参赛,我们的OHS Golden Start 团队获得了华盛顿州的高中第三名!以及所有高中团队前25%的好成绩!


请回复Contact@OlympiaChinese.Org并提供学生姓名、学校、年级等信息,在4月17日晚6点以前为您的孩子和他们的朋友们报名。 谢谢!

Olympia Area Chinese Association (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) Copyright © 1980 - 2024