10/22/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年九月二十 星期二)
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News - 2023 Spring Festival recorded Video

Dear Friends:

The Spring Festival ended in a high note!   Some of the highlights are:

3:30         Founder Toy Kay gave her blessing via a video.
15:00       Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland congratulated the crowd.  She said “… We must teach the history of Chinese American .. in our school…  We must continue to speak out against anti-Asian hate crimes…”.  (Her bio can be found here.)
17:50       Long time donor of OACA, Ms. Barbara Chin, gave awards to Principal and Teachers who worked all year to continue Chinese language and culture in our future generations.
24:05        Performance began.

We like to thank the organization committee for putting this event together:

General coordination: David Ding
Programme: David Ding & Juan Ling                 Food: Yan Dai, Guorong Liu & Wendy Seid
Decoration: Sheue-lan Shyu & Gang Ma            Publication: Bing Xu & Hang Wang
Finance: Haisheng Mou                                    Communication: Victor Kao

There were also numerous volunteers who supported the committee.  We also like to thank all the performers who practiced tirelessly for many hours, all for the audiences to have a memorable evening.  Finally we like to thank YOU, for being a member and for supporting this precious, one-a-year, tradition.

Olympia is our home, together we grow!

新聞: 2023春节晚会 視頻录像


春节晚会在一片欢乐声中落幕!  以下是晚会的亮点:

3:30      创始人Toy Kay通过视频给了大家祝福。
15:00    国会女议员玛丽莲·斯特里克兰向大家帶來恭喜。 她说:“……我们必须在学校教授美国华人的历史……我们必须继续大声疾呼,反对反亚裔的仇恨犯罪……”。 (她的简历可以在这里找到。)
17:50    OACA 的长期捐助者,陳雅珍女士代表協會,颁奖給中文學校的校长和教师,感念她們一年來的辛勞,讚揚她們為了傳承中華文化所做出的巨大貢獻。
24:05    演出开始。


        节目: 丁伟東,凌娟                食物: 戴衍, 刘国荣,Wendy薛
        布置:徐雪蘭,马纲               出版:许滨,王唅
        总务/财务:牟海省                 通知:高致远

另外还有众多的志愿者也促成了这个活动。 我们更要感谢所有的表演者,他/她们排练多时,给观众带来了一个难忘的夜晚。最后,我们要感谢您,假如没有您的参与与支持,协会无法办成这一年一度的传统庆典。


Olympia Area Chinese Association,contact@olympiachinese.org
A non-profit 501(C)(3) organization

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