10/22/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年九月二十 星期二)
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OACA is recruiting Lion dance members and student volunteers for 2024 Chinese New Year Gala

Dear OACA members and parents of students,

Wish you all have a great Thanksgivings! We are delighted toannounce that the OACA 2024 Chinese New Year Gala is scheduled to take place onFebruary 17, 2024, and we are currently seeking enthusiastic students to jointhe Lion Dance Team and the Chinese New Year Gala Volunteer Team.

LionDance Team Participants:

1. Lion Head Performer:

  • Traits: Enthusiastic, athletic, flexible, and agile.
  • Requirements: Willing to undergo rigorous physical training, able to lift a 25-pound object overhead for at least 20 minutes, and must be light enough to be picked up by the tail partner.

2. Lion Tail Performer:

  • Traits: Must be coordinated as this role will follow the head for most of the performance.
  • Requirements: Strong and sturdy, able to bend at the waist for an extended period (20 minutes or more), and must be able to lift aerial maneuvers weighing 100 pounds or more (including the lion head performer).

3. Drummers, Cymbal Players, and Gong Players:

  • Traits: Seeking talented musicians.
  • Requirements: Able to maintain a beat and understand rhythm patterns, adaptable to Lion Dance performances, and able to play loudly and energetically when the crowd is enjoying the music.

ChineseNew Year Gala Volunteer Team:

We need students to help on fundraising activities andassisting during the Gala night. This is an excellent opportunity to enhancesocial and event coordination skills. Certificates of volunteer hours for allvolunteers and recognition for outstanding volunteers will be provided by theassociation.

Interested students are encouraged to register by Dec. 2ndby e-mailing Contact@OlympiaChinese.Org.


Thank you for your support and participation!


Olympia Area Chinese Association



希望大家都度过了一个快乐的感恩节!OACA 2024年春节晚会将于2024217日举办,我们正在寻找热心的同学参与狮子舞队和春晚筹备志愿者工作队。


1. 狮头舞者:

- 特质:热情、运动、灵活、敏捷。

- 要求:愿意付出艰苦的体能训练,能够在20分钟内将25磅物体举过头顶,必须重量轻以便被尾部伙伴拾起。

2. 狮尾舞者:

- 特质:协调性强,因为将跟随头部大部分表演。

- 要求:强壮、坚固,能够长时间弯曲腰部(20分钟以上),必须能够举起100磅以上的高空飞行技巧(包括狮头舞者和狮头)。

3. 鼓手、铙钹和锣手:

- 特质:寻找有才华的音乐家。

- 要求:能够保持节拍并理解节拍模式,适应舞狮表演,大声且充满活力。









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