12/26/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年十一月廿六 星期四)
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Thanksgiving Celebration of Chinese Arts Performances

Besides Chinese culture exchange with the local community and providing Chinese language education services, we, a 501 (c)3 organization, would also like to make some contribution to the local community. This Thanksgiving Celebration event is an activity hosted by us to raise funds for, but not limited to, local schools, senior centers, food bank, etc. All profit will be distributed based on a percentage and the amount of funds received. A clear distribution report will later be posted on our website.

The tickets will be available for purchase at the entrance of the center. But if you would like to purchase tickets early for specific seats (see the seat chart below), you can preorder and reserve them starting from September 1st, 2017 by following the instructions below.

Instructions to Pre-order
How to buy?
  • Stop by our Chinese school (the School Schedule shows which Sunday we have class), ask for Mr. Gang Ma, select row-seat#, pay the price of the ticket(s), and pick up the ticket(s) from him.
  • or send an email to contact@OlympiaChinese.org with your name and a list of row-seat# with the ticket type (adult or youth), and then mail us your name, lists of row-seat# with the ticket type, and the payment check pay to OACA to the address of Olympia Area Chinese Association, P.O.Box 2881, Olympia, WA 98507. After received the payment, we will email you the final confirmation.
*The payment paid via mail MUST be received by us by the end of November 30th, 2017.
How to pick up ticket?
  • If you paid via mail, you can pick up the ticket at our Chinese school (see the School Schedule).
  • or you can fetch the ticket(s) at the pre-order pickup table at the entrance of the center on December 2nd.

Seat Chart (H: Handicap; : Reserved/Sold)

Olympia Area Chinese Association (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) Copyright © 1980 - 2024