12/26/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年十一月廿六 星期四)
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Former V.P. Edu Received an Award

On December 16th, 2016, Chinese School Association in the United States (CSAUS) held the 11th National Convention at Washington D.C. Mr. Gang Ma, the former Vice President of Education of OACA, had received the commendation issued by CSAUS.

In the year of 2016, Mr. Ma had been elected as the lead chaperon of Root-seeking Summer Camp in JingDeZhen, in China. He worked with the other 9 chaperons and managed 108 students from 12 different States. He spent a lot of time on cooperating with the summer camp organizers to schedule all of the campers’ pick-ups and departures, rooms, activities, etc. In order to manage all 108 students, he constructed a very detailed spreadsheet to log each camper’s information, such as itineraries and contacts. He and another chaperon led 33 campers from ShangHai HongQiao train station to the camp grounds safely. He also safely brought 13 campers back to HongQiao himself.

Besides time and effort contribution, he also designed plaques used to present to the camp organizers and covered the total ordering cost by himself. He and the organizers gave a big surprise birthday cake to a camper who was the only student whose birthday was in the period of the summer camp. Her parents and many other parents were touched. In order to thank all of the chaperons and organizers, many parents donated money, sponsored the pin he designed, and bought big gifts to each chaperon.

Two plaques, designed by Mr. Ma, are given to The Foreign Affairs Office and HuangYao (皇窑) International Porcelian Culture Exchange Center as a gift

The pin, designed by Mr. Ma and sponsored by some parents, are presented to the organizer's staff and students.

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