4/26/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年三月十八 星期五)
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Chinese New Year Celebration Event will be held on Sunday, February 17

Dear members and friends:

We are glad to tell you that the Chinese New Year Event is now rescheduled for this Sunday February 17 at 4-8:30 pm at Capital High School after it was postponed due to the snow storm. The school remains closed as of today which makes our rescheduling decision extremely difficult. But we managed to have the date confirmed by the school district this afternoon after many attempts. We believe this is the best date for the event after we considered all pros and cons of all available options.

Sorry for the inconvenience the delay has caused and the short notice. Please continue to support this biggest event of the year in making it as successful as possible. We all understand this is a tough timeline and poses a big challenge, so please help us spread this news. Thank you and hope to see you all there.

告诉大家一个好消息:上周六由于暴雪天气推迟的奥林匹亚春晚,在理事会和所有人的努力下,将于本周日(2月17号)下午4点到8点半在capital high school与大家见面。由于奥林匹亚学区到目前还没复课,一直无法确认场地。直到今天下午在我们一次次的努力下才批准了这周日的晚会安排。我们相信这个决定是在权衡了各种利弊,并且重点考虑了这周以及接下来几周的天气和场地的情况以后,所能做出的最好的决定。因晚会推迟给您带来的不便,请多见谅。我们也希望能得到所有人的继续支持和帮助,一起搞好这个咱们村一年一度最隆重最热闹的活动。时间紧迫,我们会马上发email和官网更新这个消息,也请大家奔走相告,帮忙宣传,谢谢。

告訴大家一個好消息:上週六由於暴雪天氣推遲的奧林匹亞春晚,在理事會和所有人的努力下,將於本週日(2月17號)下午4點到8點半在capital high school與大家見面。由於奧林匹亞學區到目前還沒復課,一直無法確認場地。直到今天下午在我們一次次的努力下才批准了這週日的晚會安排。我們相信這個決定是在權衡了各種利弊,並且重點考慮了這週以及接下來幾週的天氣和場地的情況以後,所能做出的最好的決定。因晚會推遲給您帶來的不便,請多見諒。我們也希望能得到所有人的繼續支持和幫助,一起搞好這個咱們村一年一度最隆重最熱鬧的活動。時間緊迫,我們會馬上發email和官網更新這個消息,也請大家奔走相告,幫忙宣傳,謝謝。

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