3/6/2025 (乙巳年[蛇] 农历二零二五年二月初七 星期四)
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OACA is Recruiting New Board Members for Year 2018-2020

August 18th, 2018 is Olympia Area Chinese Association (OACA) board member election day (also is OACA Annual BBQ party day) for building the new board team to operate year 2018 - 2020.

OACA is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. All board members are volunteers and not paid. The responsibilities for each board member are defined in our By-Laws that can be read at
https://olympiachinese.org/OACF/ByLaws.aspx. The positions are President, Vice President of Admin, Vice President of Education, Treasurer, and Secretary.

OACA, originally, Olympia Area Chinese Fellowship, has been serving local communities since 1980. In order for OACA to be able to continually provide services, we expect volunteers to join the new board.

If you are interested in being a board member, please send email to Contact@OlympiaChinese.org. You can join our further board meetings to be familiar with the board operation.

The application deadline is July 31st, 2018.

OACA Board

Olympia Area Chinese Association (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) Copyright © 1980 - 2025