OACA Dance Teams Participated in Seattle Chinese Arts & Culture Festival
On May 19th, 2018, two dance teams of OACA participated in
2018 Seattle Chinese Arts & Culture Festival at
Seattle Center. This event is hosted by
Washington Chinese Arts & Culture Committee (WCACC).
These two performances were submitted to and successfully approved by WCACC in early April of 2018. This is the first time for OACA to reach out to the City of Seattle. Huge appreciation for the dancers and volunteers who made this performance successful. (Photos and video are provided by Mr. Mingta Lin)

CaiWei (采薇)
Performed by: Muyan Lei, Lara Wang, Yijun Liu, Fang Li
Director: Fang Li

Beautiful, Clear Watered River (麗水清河)
Performed by: Yijun Liu, Monica Lorich, Muyan Lei, Lara Wang, Chun Wang, Linda Wang
Director: Wendy Seid

Video of Beautiful, Clear Watered River (麗水清河)