OACA Participated NTPS's P.I.E Program
Olympia Area Chinese Association (OACA) has participated in
North Thurston Public Schools'
P.I.E (
Partners in Education) program. It is designed as a partnership between a school and business to cultivate positive relationships that benefit education and student learning.
OACA selected
Aspire Middle School (AMS) as a partner and signed a contract with AMS. This school is a performing arts magnet school and provides unique programs, including Performing Arts Programs, Enrichment Programs, and a Highly Capable Program. The Highly Capable Program is available for 6th - 8th grade students. Some students from other school districts have joined this program also. Ms. June Dhamers, the Math and Science teacher of the Highly Capable Program, teaches 6th - 8th grade high-cap students and organizes students to join MathCounts competitions (school, regional, and state) and Science Fairs (school and regional) every year. As a part of the contract, the representative of OACA have supported the MathCounts (regional) competition and Science Fairs (school) activities. Additionally, OACA will invite AMS students to join the Chinese Culture Day hosted by OACA's Chinese School on May 20th. This win-win program provides the benefits to both the school and partners. The school receives support and the partners are recognized by the school.

Certificate signed by Principal Ms. Courtney Crawford and NTPS district Superintendent Dr. Deb Clemens

Banner Created by NTPS

Banner Hung at Aspire Middle School's Commons Area. This banner will be there for 1 year.

Group Photo with 8th grade Highly Capable students, Principal Ms. Courtney Crawford, teacher Ms. June Dhamers, Principal of Olympia Chinese School Ms. Shyue-Lan Shyu, OACA Treasure Ms. Wendy Seid, OACA V.P. of Administrative Mr. Haisheng Mou, and OACA President Mr. Gang Ma
This photo also is posted on AMS' website https://www.nthurston.k12.wa.us/Page/19217
OACA's logo is posted on NTPS' website https://www.nthurston.k12.wa.us/Page/9859