Two Students Received CIE's Special Awards
In September 2018, CIE (Chinese Institute of Engineers/USA - SEA) held the
2018 CIE/USA - SEA Annual Convention at Bellevue. This event provided many seminars related to AI (Artificial Intelligence) and High School/College, announced Special Tribute to Mayor Edward Lee (who is the 43rd Mayor of San Francisco and passed away last year), presented 5 Asian American Luminary Awards to the individuals who have shown great innovation, leadership, and achievement, and presented 15 Asian Pacific Americans Youth Scholarship Awards to the students state wide who have excellent academic and/or community service.
Joy Matsuoka and Erik Ma, Olympia Chinese Students, both received Special Awards. We hope more and more students apply for this scholarship next year.

Banquet Dinner and Award Ceremony

Awardees of Youth Scholarship Awards

Special Award presented to Joy Matsuoka

Joy Matsuoka and Erik Ma