3/6/2025 (乙巳年[蛇] 农历二零二五年二月初七 星期四)
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OACA Participated in Multicultural Event and Charity Fair

On October 15, 2018, OACA participated in the Multicultural Diversity Evening Event hosted by Aspire Middle School as part of the contract for 2017-2018 PIE program. Our Chinese Culture table provided 4 activities for the event audience: Chopstick Challenging, Chinese character writing using brush, Zodiac stamp, and Chinese Yoyo. These activities were popular and drew a lot of attention from the crowd. Former OACA President Gang Ma and his wife Bin Xu, former OACA Treasurer Wendy Seid, current OACA President Haisheng Mou, and Vice President Alex Yuanlong Ge volunteered in this event.   

On October 16, 2018, OACA participated in the annual L&I Charity Fair for the Combined Fund Drive (CFD) held in the headquarters of State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I). This fair was a special opportunity for L&I employees to visit up close with over 40 CFD charities and support them by donating regularly through payroll deductible. The CFD office from the Secretary of State was on site to share information and take donation forms. OACA presented Chinese tea culture, and other traditional arts such as Beijing Opera facial makeup, Chinese painting and drawing, and showcased our assocation, our school and our performance team. OACA board members Yan Dai, Ruth Yuan Qi, Haisheng Mou, Yiru Lien and Alex Yuanlong Ge were on site representing our association.   

(Second row from left to right: Gang Ma, Haisheng Mou, and Alex Yuanlong Ge

First row: Wendy Seid, in multicultural celebration event)

Below are some photos from the charity fair

Olympia Area Chinese Association (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) Copyright © 1980 - 2025