4/26/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年三月十八 星期五)
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OACA Lectures/Classes Looking for Speakers

Dear OACA Friends,

In this difficult time of COVID-19 pandemic, OACA strive to enrich the life and culture of Olympian.  We plan to hold a series of on-line lectures/classes that are both interesting and practical.  Topics include personal finance, cooking, health/beauty, exercise/dance, gardening, and more.......    We hope you will actively participate when they are ready.  In the mean time, we would like to tab into this community for talented individuals.  If you or your friend have valuable experiences or expertise to share, OACA would like to invite you to be a speaker.   With the goal of promoting a harmonious community, we cordially invite you to collaborate, to participate, to support this program, and to share your personal experiences in benefiting fellow Olympian. 

If you are available, please contact Wendy W Chen, vpadmin@olympiachinese.org, or Bing Gong, vpeducation@olympiachinese.org.  Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time.  

Board of OACA

各位乡亲:在这个疫情尚未消失的特殊时期,为了丰富奥村文化生活,理事会正在策划在网上开展系列实用有趣的讲座。课程的內容暂定包括(但不限于):金融财务,烹饪美食,美容养生,运动与舞蹈,园艺等等!除了期盼您踊跃报名参与各項讲座与活动,我们更要广征天下英才,如果你或身边的朋友能够分享所長,理事会诚挚邀请您担当讲师,本着创造美好和谐社区,群策群力,分享奉献,参与与支持的初衷。我們诚挚欢迎您亮出您的绝活造福奥村民众,谢谢您。有意者请立即与协会副会長@慧文Wendy 或教育副会長@奥村农夫联系。我们期待您的回应!

OACA 理事會
Olympia Area Chinese Association (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) Copyright © 1980 - 2024