4/16/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年三月初八 星期二)
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Recipe, Homemade Smooth Fish Balls

Recipe, Homemade Smooth Fish Balls

Sharing Instructor:Yang Shan


Required ingredients:

400g (14 Oz) frozen Swai fillet, about two pieces

4g (1/2tsp~1tsp) salt

Optional ingredients:

5 raw shrimps

Green onions


Cooking wine/rice wine

White pepper

Kitchenware/Utensils:  Cutting board, knife, food processor (for blending fish),
Glass or stainless bowl x 2 (for stirring, serving), non-stick spatula, soup pot, table spoon, tea spoon.

Cooking Steps:

1. Take frozen fish fillets out of the freezer and immerse in cold or ice water with the plastic bag still on for ten minutes to thaw half way.  Keep the temperature of the fish meat below 12 degrees Celsius or 53.6 degrees Fahrenheit.  As the fish thaws, put half pot of water on low heat.

2. Cut fish fillets into small pieces or slices and blend them in the food processor to puree.  It takes about 2 minutes

3. Transfer the fish puree to a mixing bowl and add salt.  The ratio of salt to fish is 1-1.5 g salt to 100 g fish.  4-6 g salt is sufficient for 400 g fish.

4. Use a silicone spatula, whisk the fish puree clockwise until you feel that the resistance is getting greater and the fish sticks to your hands. It takes about 3 minutes.  Then add the chopped shrimp

5. By this time, the water in the pot is almost hot, turn off the heat and squeeze the balls into the pot (note that the water temperature should be around 60-80 degrees Celsius or 140-176 degrees Fahrenheit)

6.  After all the squeezing is complete, cook the balls on low-to-medium heat, with the lip open

7.  After about 15 minutes, take a ball out and cut open to check if it is cooked inside.  If so, take out all the balls

The fish ball tastes the best when served immediately.  Those can not be consumed can be chilled and frozen for later use.
The meatball soup in the pot can be used as broth.  Just boiled it over at high heat, skim the froth and add seasoning as desired.

Reference Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6f8fvjy4eE




必选食材:冷冻龙利鱼片两片( Swai fillet )400g (14 Oz),食盐:4g (1/2tsp~1tsp),水:半汤锅

可选食材:生虾仁 5只,葱 ,姜, 料酒/米酒, 白胡椒粉

厨具:砧板( 生熟各一块),刀( 生熟各一把),food processor 一台(搅碎鱼肉)
玻璃盆或不锈钢盆*2 (搅拌,盛装),硅胶铲,汤锅,大汤勺,小调羹


1.  冷冻鱼片 从冰箱拿出来 连着外面的透明塑料袋一起泡在冷水或冰水里十分钟解冻。操作过程中请保持鱼肉温度不超过12摄氏度 或者53.6华氏度,同时煮半汤锅水

2.  鱼片用刀切成小块或小片,放进food processor里面搅成泥 大约需要2分钟

3.  把鱼泥转移到搅拌盆里 加盐,盐和鱼肉的比例是1-1.5克盐比100g鱼肉,400g鱼肉加4-6g盐即可

4.  用硅胶铲顺时针方向搅打鱼泥 直到感觉搅拌的阻力越来越大  鱼肉粘手 就是搅上劲了 大约需要3分钟  这时可以放入切碎的虾仁

5.  这时水差不多热了,把火关了 把丸子挤到锅里,全部挤好后再开中小火煮丸子,开盖煮  (注意煮丸子的水温保持在60-80摄氏度 150华氏度左右)

6.  大约15分钟后捞一颗丸子切开检查是否煮熟 熟了之后把都有丸子捞出

现做现吃口味最佳,吃不完的丸子可以放凉后冷冻。锅里的丸子汤大火煮开 撇去浮沫后 可以用做高汤 需自行调味。


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