4/23/2024 (甲辰年[龙] 农历二零二四年三月十五 星期二)
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Announcement – New Principal

Dear OACA Members,

On July 20, 2021, after repeated requests, the Board of OACA accepted Ms. Shyu's resignation as the Principal of the Chinese School.  She nominated Ms. Leilani W. Panoke as the new Principal.  In accordance with Article 7.6 of the OACA by-laws, the Board reviewed and approved Ms. Panoke's appointment unanimously.  This appointment will take effect immediately.

Despite reluctance, the Board had to accepted Ms. Shyu's resignation due to her personal and family health issues.  Principal Shyu devoted 30 years of her life to the Chinese School.  She has been diligent, conscientious, and hands-on, taking on many laborious tasks behind the scenes.  In addition to overseeing the operation, she also taught in person and insists on not taking any compensation.  She strives to use all available resources, which allows the school to maintain an incredibly low tuition fee.  She encouraged and led students to participate in various competitions, led teachers to participate in professional training, planed and supported many large-scale community cultural activities, and promoted Chinese culture as indicated in OACA's charter.  We sincerely thank Ms. Shyu with no reservation!  We also wish her and her family good health.

The new principal, Ms. Leilani W. Panoke (a.k.a. Feng Ling 王凤玲), has been a teacher at Olympia Chinese School for many years and will be teaching at Olympia School District.  She has taught at the Hawaii Chinese School for many years before moving to Olympia.  She is also an avid editor/writer with many publications.  She is sincere, steady, has a sense of fairness and justice, and carries a writer's rigor and discipline.  Her enthusiasm and vision for the Chinese School will lead the school to new heights.  Please join us to welcome her.



OACA理事會於2021年7月20日依OACA 組織章程第7.6條,審議並表決通過,任命王鳳玲女士為新任中文學校校長。此項人事任命即日起生效。


新任校長王鳳玲女士目前任教於 Olympia School District學校, ,同時也是業餘作家,多年來筆耕不惙,不斷有新作發表問世。鳳玲曾任教夏威夷中文學校多年,也是服務多年的奧林匹亞中文學校老師。鳳玲嚴謹穩健,誠懇、正直、公正的作風,加上對中文學校充滿構想與熱情,相信必能帶領中文學校邁向新的里程碑。我們竭誠歡迎王鳳玲校長來執掌我們的中文學校。

Olympia Area Chinese Association,contact@olympiachinese.org
A non-profit 501(C)(3) organization

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